Holistic Health and Wellness Coaching

How can I help you?

I'm a certified Holistic Health and Wellness Coach who specializes in Nutrition. I help guide and support women who want to take control of their nutritional habits, learn to utilize mindfulness strategies to reduce stress, and rediscover to love and accept their holistic selves in order to reignite their unique brilliance.

As a Health and Wellness Coach, I help you make long-term positive health changes by guiding and supporting your progress. Whether it’s eating healthier, losing weight, increasing your energy levels, reducing stress, or exercising more, I provide the support you need to achieve those goals. Through coaching, I empower you to take action by providing motivation, inspiration, and guided discussions.

Regaining your health can be difficult if you do it all by yourself, especially trying to figure out where to begin, but that's where I come in. I seek to understand your individuality, together we learn what works for you and what doesn’t work for your unique self. Through our journey together, I guide you and give you tools that will help you achieve your highest level of health.

I can help you transition to a healthy lifestyle and overcome the obstacles you may encounter along the way because with the right support and mindset, you can be brightly nourished!

-Deslie Ghiorzi

  • Weekly or bi-weekly 30-minute, 1-on-1 virtual sessions from the comfort of your home.

  • Personalized nutrition, mindfulness, and exercise plan for sustainable results.

  • Judgement-free space where you can get the guidance and support you need

  • Goal Setting and Action Plan Development

What you can expect

Our initial sessions will be dedicated to assessing your current wellness and creating a personalized plan to fit your unique needs and goals.


Everyone has pain points when it comes to achieving full body wellness. I’ll work closely with you to help identify and overcome your challenges.


Since achieving wellness is more than just exercise and diet, we will include stress management and healthy sleep routines to help you stay focused on your goal.


  • Small group online or in-person format (eg, 4-20 participants)

  • Low cost coaching alternative

  • Weekly 30-minute sessions

  • A safe, nonjudgmental space allowing for creative exploration to support individuals in determining their own goals and action plans

  • Whole-hearted support and guidance by the community formed

  • Helpful tools, tips, and tricks for navigating your unique obstacles


How can a wellness coach help me?

Wellness coaching is a confidential and supportive partnership between you and the health coach. It effectively motivates and encourages behavior change to help you meet your health and wellness vision and goals. If it has to do with making fitness and nutrition realistic and sustainable in your busy life, then a Health Coach can help!

So many people fall into specific diet fads, attempt crash diets, and engage in health behaviors that can do more harm than good to a body.

A Health Coach is there to help you wade through all the information coming out everyday on different health benefits of particular foods and rules for movement. Instead of using a crash diet, or eating fad, a Health Coach works together with a client to create habits that are sustainable and realistic to your busy lifestyle without feeling overwhelmed and to actually reach your health goals once and for all.

What aspects of my life can I address with my coach?

Eating habits/nutrition, health maintenance, physical activity, sleep and relaxation, stress and weight management, relationships, spiritual practices, and mindset are all areas that you can discuss with a health coach. It’s your choice as to what you want to focus on to improve your well-being.

How many visits will I need with my health coach?

There’s no set number of visits; however, meeting with your health coach on a regular basis will guide you along your journey to wellness. Studies have demonstrated that having regular weekly sessions with a health coach at the beginning of a wellness journey increases the chances of successfully establishing and maintaining healthy habits and routines aligned with the client's wellness goals.

How will health coaching bring lasting change?

Health coaching guides you in charting your path toward wellness and helps you take a series of small, doable steps that become long-lasting, meaningful and powerful changes. Rather than getting a prescribed diet or fitness plan, you are getting individualized strategies that focus on your specific needs.

Health Coaches are trained in a number of different areas related to health such as nutrition guidelines and research, behavior change patterns, and physical activity to give you a well-rounded way to make positive, lasting changes to your lifestyle.

What is Group Coaching & how can it help me?

Group Coaching provides a sense of community where a group of like minded individuals with similar goals, join a weekly call to make commitments toward their goals. Members feel a greater sense of responsibility to follow through and also feel less alone and are often open to learning from other clients' experiences.

What is the difference between a Health Coach, Personal Trainer, and Life Coach?

While a Health Coach is trained in different aspects of health like nutrition protocols, fitness, and mindset techniques, a Personal Trainer is predominately trained in body mechanics and fitness only.

A Life Coach is more of a generalist in your overall life and career goals with a limited focus and knowledge of nutrition, fitness, and health. If your focus is on health, then a Health Coach is the route you want to go.

What training do health coaches receive?

There are many health coach trainings available, however, Deslie has studied at the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, and graduated from the Holistic Health and Wellness program with a concentration in Nutrition, an approved coaching and education program by the National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching (NBHWC). Graduates from this programs qualify to apply for the NBHWC National Board Certification Examination. Deslie has earned the designation, National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC).

What is the future of Health and wellness Coaching?

In 2019, the American Medical Association (AMA) created Category III Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes for health and well-being coaching that are effective January 1, 2020. Although Category III CPT codes are not subject to health insurance reimbursement yet, the AMA noted that only health professionals certified by the NBHWC or the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc. (NCHEC) will qualify as a health insurance reimbursement when it does become available as these certifications establishes professional standards for health coaching and measures the competencies and skills that health coaches must acquire.